Quantum from the Sacred Dance Collection of Rescued Soul


Christ and the Nomad
2 min readJan 9, 2024


Perfection, the destroyer of projects and dreams. I’ve been meaning to write a blog since 2017. Every year I get it all planned out in my head that this will be the year; I’m going to be diligent about writing every single day a chronological account of my life. Clean, easy, organized. It nicely checks off every box in my head. And then it happens, reality collides with my idea of perfection. The truth is, life is messy and days come and go so fast. Before I find the time to capture the moments in writing, 2 or 3 weeks have already gone by and the thing that was so pressing to write about is now a faded, distant memory of whose details I no longer remember.

That is also how I started out in 2024; however, this time I made a promise to myself that if I didn’t have at least one blog post up by the 7th of January that I would change the way I commit to writing on my blog. My writing will not be a chronological timeline but rather a flurry of experiences and memories as they come and as I have time to write them. Some posts will be like journal entries and others will be on a topic. The goal for me is to get into the habit of writing frequently while being flexible enough with myself to let the writing flow in and out. By December of 2024, I hope to have a year of writing accomplished.

Oh and by the way, that girl you read about in the pinned post, I’ll get to her someday soon. You’re going to want to hear about her life, if anything it may make you feel a little better about your own. Her story is one of tragedy and resilience with lots and lots of bumpy roads along the way. It is the story of a well-learned life. Is a life well-learned the same as a life well-lived? Which is more important, how we live or how we grow? These are questions I’ve had to ask myself. Has my life been a curse or a gift? Stay tuned for the journey of Christ and the Nomad and Happy New Year!

-The Nomad



Christ and the Nomad
Christ and the Nomad

Written by Christ and the Nomad


A journey of faith and resilience, walking the path of a new believer. Building a new life after trauma and domestic violence.

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